Thursday 4 Dec, 19-22h at Opekta Ateliers
The dispute and the inquiry that followed.
(Der Disput und die Auseinandersetzungen die Folgen.)
Part 1, The dispute. (45 min)
Ross Downes, Irene de Andrés, Johann Arens, Julie Born Schwartz
Part 2, The inquiry. (50 min)
Lucy Clout, Dina Danish, Rehana Zaman, Alex Reynolds
(film still: Alex Reynolds, ‘Spinario’, 2012)
A programme of eight recent films from European contemporary artists, originally screened as part of the Kunstfilmtage Düsseldorf 2014. Selected for their relationship to the joint legacies of classical arbitration and drama, these films stitch together a series of suspicious claims into a manifold account of truancy, voyeurism, malfeasance, and homicide.
Initiated by JL Murtaugh, our artist in residence in October to December 2014.